Minutes of the 21st TAMC meeting under ATUFS held on 2.3.2021 – reg

Modification in Para 5.4 of the revised guidelines of ATUFS – reg.

Minutes of the 19th TAMC Meeting under ATUFS held on 23rd December 2020 through Video Conference – reg

Highlights of the 19TH TAMC meeting held on 23.12.2020 through VC – reg

Modifications in the revised guidelines of ATUFS – reg

Modification of operational guidelines issued in connection with release of part subsidy against Bank Guarantee (BG) under ATUFS and RRTUFS – reg

Checklist for Joint Inspection Team (JIT) for physical verification of machineries installed under RR-TUFS – reg.,

Relaxation in timeline for various activities under A-TUFS due to lockdown in COVID-19 pandemic – reg

Progress under ATUFS – Regional Office-wise as on 21.09.2020 – reg,

Minutes of the meeting with Member Banks under ATUFS and Previous Versions of TUFS held on 25th September 2020 – reg