SIMA in association with EFSI and National Safety Council, TN Chapter, organizes a virtual meet- Covid-19 2nd Wave-Best Practices for Industries– reg

Vaccination of workers in the age group between 18 and 44 years – reg

Vaccination of workers in the age group between 18 and 44 years – reg

TN GO(Ms) No. 380 dated 14.05.2021 – Enforcing additional restrictions in addition to Night Curfew and complete lockdown on Sundays – reg

TN – Press Release – lock down from 10/05/2021 to 24/05/2021 with certain exemptions. –reg.

Status of Additional surcharge at APTEL – draft letter to be submitted to the concerned SE/EDC for not to insist for the payment of additional surcharge –  reg

GoTN Press Release dated 03.05.2021 – Enforcing additional restrictions in addition to Night Curfew and complete lockdown on Sundays – reg

Surge in Covid – 19 – GOI Appeal for active community participation – reg

GST – Covid Relief Measures – Reg.

EDLI Scheme – Amendment – Enhanced assurance benefits – reg