CGP Appeal status – hearing before the Madurai Bench – reg.

CGP Writ Appeal before the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court Status – reg.

Minutes of the Code Review Panel meeting – reg.

Issues faced in filing complaints with the concerned Police Stations in case of women workers found missing from mills – reg.

Petition filed before the Supreme Court – to ensure compliance under “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013” – reg.

Points for Grievance Redressal Committee Meeting scheduled to be
held on 18.01.2018

Finding solution to overcome the issues in handling migrant workmen and to restore the good work culture and practices. – reg.

TNVAT on all categories of Hank yarn-retrospectively taxable as per Madras High Court Judgement -reg.

Next hearing on Textile Wage Dispute case before Industrial Tribunal- reg

CFC Memo dated 01/12/2017 giving working instruction for the Scheduling and System Operating Charges- reg.