Impleading Petition filed by SIMA to the Contempt Petition filed by TASMA  before the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court – CGP verification procedure – reg.

Impleading Petition filed by SIMA to the Contempt Petition filed by TASMA before the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court – CGP verification procedure – reg.

Supreme Court Judgment on EPF contributions – Questionnaire – reg.

Matter pertaining to the exorbitant hike of the insurance premium by the General Insurance Corporation (GIC)

RoSCTL Scheme Implementation – reg

Wind Evacuation in Tamil Nadu Grid – from April 2018 to March 2019 reg.

TNERC Order on generic Tariff on Solar power for the year 2019”- reg.

TNERC Order on generic Tariff on Solar power for the year 2019”- reg.

13(f) Memo batch matter dismissed by TNERC – SIMA’s Appeal before the APTEL – reg.

Kerala Electricity Regulatory Commission’s order on extending the present tariff order– reg