EPFO instruction – Settlement of death claims in case of industrial accidents -reg

Madras High Court Order on the adjustment of CC bills against excess security deposit –reg

Issue of e-Passes by Coimbatore District Revenue Authorities to the migrant workers – reg

Particulars required in respect of migrant workers and hostel women employees in textile mills – format received from the District Industries Centre, Coimbatore – reg

Details regarding EPF/ESI of workers in textile units – reg

TCBA members with regard to Customs clearance comes under essential services during Covid-19 Lockdown period

Withdrawal of permission to operate the industries – reg

Payment of wages during month of March 2020 – clarification – reg

Revision of DA for the Apprentices in textile mills, Textile value chain sectors, security guards and Shops & Commercial Establishments effective from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 – notified under the Minimum wages Act, 1948 – reg.

RC-1 – EPFO, Coimbatore, appeal to members – press release- reg