Consumer Price Index Numbers for the month of April 2023

Consumer Price Index Number – All India – May 2023

Consumer Price Index Number – Chennai City – May 2023

Minimum Wages Committee for fixation of minimum wages in Textile Mills for other category of workers except Apprentices – Textile Mills visit & public hearing on 11.07.2023 & 12.07.2023 – tentative programme schedule-reg

Anti Child labour day – abolition of child labour – undertaking format-reg

EPFO provides last opportunity to employees to submit options within fifteen days i.e 11.07.2023 to get pension on higher wages and employers given three months’ time for uploading wage details online, etc., -reg

Minimum Wages Committee for fixation of minimum wages in Textile Mills for other category of workers except Apprentices – first meeting held on 27th July, 2023-reg

Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Tamil Nadu Amendment Act, 2008 –Constitution of two sub committees to study the present labour scenario-reg

Minimum Wages Committee for fixation of minimum wages in Textile Mills for other category of workers except Apprentices – Extension of period -reg

EPFO higher pension – Application for validation of joint option – proforma – list of admissible documents-reg