Consumer Price Index Numbers for November 2017

Consumer Price Index Numbers – All India –November 2017

Consumer Price Index Numbers – Chennai City –November 2017

Notification on Reforms on compliance of Labour Laws – Ease of doing business – reg.

Ease of compliance of Labour Laws – downloadable software for Maintenance of Registers under 9 Labour Laws (Central) – reg

Consumer Price Index Numbers for October 2017

Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act – Nomination of an NGO member – clarification – reg.

Consumer Price Index Numbers – All India – October 2017

Consumer Price Index Numbers – Chennai City – October 2017

Compliance to be adhered regarding Sexual Harassment, Hostels and engaging women workers during night hours –Presentations made at the Programme on “Opportunities available to the Establishments under the Optional Trade for engaging Apprentices” held on 1.12.2017