Consumer Price Index Numbers for the month of November 2021

Virtual Meet on prevention of Child Labour & Forced Labour jointly with
Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health (DISH) & NCLP on 29/01/2022- reg.

Consumer Price Index Number – All India – November 2021

Consumer Price Index Number – Chennai City – November 2021

Imposition of sanction on Xinjiang province of China due to child labour and forced labour – Appeal to strictly adhere to labour laws to avoid sanction on Indian yarn and garment manufacturers -reg

Payment of Tamil Nadu Welfare Board contribution for the year ending 31/12/2021 at Rs. 10/ employee and Rs 20/ employer– reg

Consumer Price Index Number – All India – October 2021

Consumer Price Index Number – Chennai City – October 2021

Awareness campaign on the eradication of Child Labour – Initiatives by textile industry – reg

Payment of revised Contribution to The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund for the year ending 31.12.2021- reg.