Clarification on issues related to Job Work – Reg

Extending `Fixed Term Employment’ to all Industrial sectors – Notification – confirmation reg.

Extension of exemption from IGST and Goods and Service Tax Compensation cess in respect of imports under the Advance Authorization (AA) / Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) from suppliers (outside and within India) till 1.10.2018

Press release by Rajya Sabha Secretariat on “Impact of Chinese goods on Indian Industry”

AGRI CONCLAVE at Coimbatore on 26th March 2018

Textiles Committee Market / Country Report for Japan Market (April-Dec.2017)

Change of packing from 50 Kgs to 60 Kgs

Weekly cotton prices – reg

Special Drive – “Exports Refund Fortnight” from 15th to 29th March 2018- contact particulars – reg.,

Open Auction for Sales of FP bales – reg