Uster Quantum service-reg

Employment of Women/ differently abled /Transgenders by Members – Requirement of Data – Reg

Highlights of the Tamil Nadu Budget 2024-25 – reg

Information about the certified “Kasturi Cotton Bharat” Lots – reg

Import of Raw Cotton from Australia – Issues/Challenges related to Rules of Origin in India-Australia ECTA – reg

Highlights of State Budget of Kerala for the fiscal 2024-25 – Reg

Highlights of the of the meeting held regarding TIDCO University Research Park in Coimbatore – reg

EPFO – Applicability of ABRY scheme – Issue of recovery notice – Advisory to approach High Court-reg

Awareness Programme on “Amendment to Income Tax Act mandating payment to Micro and Small Enterprises within 45 days” at 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 14.02.2024 at SIMA premises – reg

Awareness Programme on “Competition in Textile Market” at 4.00 pm on Monday, 12.02.2024 at SIMA – reg