Roll over of unutilized wind banked energy in respect of slot C1 & C2-reg

Extension of Wind Tariff Order-reg

Additional Surcharge for H1 of FY 2022-23-reg

TNERC Order in M.P. No. 22 of 2021 & MP. No. 5 of 2021 dated 22.03.2022 -M/s. Suryadev Alloys & Power Private Limited and M/s. OPG in respect of CGP matter – reg.

Extension of ALMM on PV Solar Modules and Panels up to Oct 2022-MNRE Notification dated 28.03.2022- reg.

TNERC amendment to Grid Connected Intra State Open Access (ISOA) Regulation 2021- Priority of adjustment- reg.

Telangana Power Tariff for the year 2022-23 –reg

Chief Financial Controller (Revenue) TANGEDCO instruction to all SE/EDC to adjust the excess collected “Additional Surcharge” amount in the ensuing CC bills—reg

TNERC draft amendment in Intra State Open Access Regulation 2014 – availing of Open Access Power only for the contracted load above 1 MW – Comments invited – reg.

E-tax on IEX power purchase – Copy of Interim Order of Hon’ble Madras High Court – Reg