Publication of the “Consultative paper of Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind power”- TNERC inviting comments/suggestions – reg.

Joint efforts by the textile Associations for purchase of Power from IL & FS Tamil Nadu Power Company Ltd., at a very competitive price – reg.

Revised power price quote from the Generators – draft reply to be sent -reg.

Proposed changes in wind banking period and restriction of less than 1MW consumers to avail power under Open Access – IWPA meeting – circular –reg.

Purchase of power through Group Captive Mode for the year 2018-19 – reg.

Quantum of Power required for the year 2018 -19 – confirmation- reg.

Corrigendum in circular No.54-E/2018 – Constraints in obtaining NOC from the concerned EDCs for purchase of power –updation -– reg.

Constraints in obtaining NOC from the concerned EDCs for purchase of power –updation -– reg.

Confirmation of the Quantum of Power Required for Power Purchase Negotiation for the year 2018 -19 – reg.

Constraints in getting NOC from the concerned EDCs for purchase of power through Group Captive mode. – reg.