Order on additional surcharge by Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) — reg.

TSERC discussion paper on Wind Tariff for the period 2018-20-reg.

Representation to CMD TANGEDCO to immediately convene the Task Force Meeting to discuss about the Wind energy evacuation issues – reg.

Highlights of the Monthly Wind and Solar Grievance Meeting held at SE, NCES Udumalpet on 17/07/2018 – reg.

Wind and Solar grievance Meeting at SE’s chamber Udumalpet on 17/07/2018 — reg.

Points for Grievance Redressal Committee Meeting scheduled to be held on 19.07.2018

Postponement of Automated Meter Reading (AMR) implementation project by TANGEDCO- CE/NCES letter – reg.

Postponement of Automated Meter Reading (AMR) implementation project by TANGEDCO – reg.

Letter of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to the Hon’ble Union Minister of Commerce & Industry on textile issues – reg

Highlights of the Task Force meeting held at TANGEDCO Head Office, Chennai on 27/06/2018 — reg.