CE/ NCES instruction to all wind / solar generators for the appointment of QCA on or before 30/11/2020 – reg.

CGP verification case before TNERC (MP. No. 23 of 2020) – Submission of documents – reg

Status of the case before the APTEL with regard to Payment of Minimum Demand Charges at 20% during lock period – reg

Filing of Review Petition by TANGEDCO on the order of Madurai Bench of Madras High Court on 26/05/2020 in respect of demand charges – reg

National Green Tribunal Order – Action Plan – Emission reduction from Diesel Generator Sets – TNPCB directions – timeline – reg.

Adjustment of excess credit in the CC deposit with TANGEDCO against CC bills

Extension of Validity period of the Consent to Operate which expired of 31.3.2020 for a further period of another 3 months from 30.06.2020 to 30.09.2020 – reg.

CFC / TANGEDCO instruction to SE/ EDC for the review of security deposit for HT consumers –reg

Interstate power purchase – instruction by CE, Grid operation-related matters – reg.

Representation made to the Hon’ble Minister of Electricity, Tamilnadu appealing to reduce the maximum demand charges upto 20% for the months of March and April 2020 under the Tamilnadu Electricity Supply Code 2004 – reg