TANGEDCO – Amended Petition Webhosted for the collection of Additional Surcharge in respect of power purchase through IEX and third party comments invited – reg

Status of the Review and the Clarification Petition with regard to CGP verification before TNERC – reg

CGP verification (Appeal No. 131 0f 2020) before APTEL – Status reg

CGP verification (Appeal No. 131 0f 2020) before APTEL -reg

Order of the TNERC in MP. No. 16 of 2020 with regard to rollover of wind and solar banked units during the lock down period -reg.

Energy Conservation Guide for the textile Mills – reg

TNERC notification relating to Compliance of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) – reg.

Electrical inspection fee in respect of solar installation – reg

TNERC not allowed the Rollover of banked units for the year 2020-21 -reg.

Wind Energy – GST on O&M charges –RegWind Energy – GST on O&M charges –Reg