Status of the MP (No. 18 of 2020) filed by TANGEDCO for levy of Additional Surcharge before the TNERC – reg.

Appointment of QCA by wind / solar generators in respect of forecasting& Scheduling – reg

Order of the TNERC in MP. No. 3 of 2019 on the subject of Repowering of wind mills – reg

KERC discussion paper on determination of tariff in respect of Solar power project including Solar Roof Top (SRTPV) for the FY 2022 to 2024 – inviting comments – reg

TANGEDCO Misc. Petition No.22 of 2020 in respect of fixing of harmonic limit for 11/22 KVA – reg

Association comments on the petition (MP. No. 18 of 2020) filed by TANGEDCO in respect of determination additional surcharge for the purchase of power through OA – reg

Order of Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) in Appeal Nos.191/2018, 195/2018, 265/2018 and 406/2019 in respect of wind energy banking and other charges – reg

Webinar on “Energy Conservation in Textile Mills by Condition Monitoring” on 5th February, 2021 reg

Waiver of the Inter-State Transmission charges and losses on transmission of electricity generated from solar and wind sources of energy — reg

MP. No. 39 of 2020 (“Status Report “) before the TNERC – Status – reg