CST–Purchase of fuel for generation of electricity–Captive Consumers – Form C – Reg

Extension of existing solar tariff order No. 9/ 2020 dated 16/10/2020 for further period – reg

TNERC draft proposal on Terms and Condition for Determination ofTariff Regulations,2005 -reg.

Status of (MP. No. 18 of 2020) Additional surcharge before the TNERC – reg

Publication of the “Discussion paper on determination of generic tariff for Wind power projects for 2021-22”- KERC inviting comments/suggestions -reg

Minutes of the Meeting with TNERC Chairman and Stakeholder on 18.02.2021- Reg

TANGEDCO – MP No.4 of 2021 before TNERC – seeking clarification for the fixation of tariff in certain manufacturing process – reg

Minutes of the 20th TAMC Meeting under ATUFS held on 23.2.2021 – reg

Publication of the “Consultative Paper for procurement of Solar Power by Distribution Licensee and related issues”- TNERC inviting comments/suggestions – reg

TANGEDCO guidelines in respect of online filing of HT application through web portal – reg.