Judgment of the APTEL in respect of TNERC’s Order –Verification of CGP status – reg

TANGEDCO Working Instruction on Procurement of Solar Power and Related Issues Order 2020- reg.

TN GO No. 386 dated 22.05.2021 – Extension of complete lock down with additional restrictions from 24/05/2021 till 31/05/2021 – reg

Extension of Validity period of the Consent to Operate which expired of 31.3.2021 for a further period upto 30.11.2021 – reg

TANGEDCO instruction with regard to security deposit – reg.

No levy of additional surcharge for power purchase from IEX/ bilateral / third party – TANGEDCO’s Counsel assures before APTEL- reg

TNPCB – Withdrawal of TNPCB Order to retrofit the gensets or shift to gas based gensets . reg.

TNERC Order on levying Additional Surcharge (MP.No. 18 of 2020) for the purchase of power under IEX and third party – reg.

APERC retail power Tariff Order for the year 2021-22 – reg

Appointment of QCA on the background of 2019 Regulation on Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM)-TNERC has nominated M/s. Leap Green Energy Pvt Ltd (LGEPL) as single State Level QCA for all 8550 MW connected to TNSLDC -reg.