TNERC Grid Interactive Solar PV Energy Generating System (GISS) Regulation 2021 – reg

Webinar on “Solar Roof Top Power Project with SBI Funding Scheme” – reg.

Webinar on “Tamil Nadu Power scenario – Present & Future” through Zoom – 20th October 2021 – reg.

TANGEDCO – GST Applicability on the charges collected towards capital Works relating to new service connections, improvement works for additional Load/ reduction in load, Deposit Contribution Works – Detailed guidelines Issued for compliance – reg

Renewal of Factory License for the year 2022-reg

Webinar on “Tamil Nadu Power scenario – Present & Future” through Zoom – 13th October 2021 – reg.

Draft amendment clause introduced by the Ministry of Power in the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules 2021 – comments invited – reg

At most attention needed for Power – reg

TNERC Order in respect of MP. No. 30 of 2021 filed by TANGEDCO with regard to collection of additional surcharge for the period from Oct 2021 to March 2022 – reg

CE/ NCES instruction for renewal of agreement for the WEG’s served 20 years of lifetime from the date of its commissioning – reg