CFC (Revenue) TANGEDCO instruction for the implementation of e- invoice billing – Credit and debit note under progress – reg.

Availing Intra-State Open Access Power below 1 MW – Case status before TNERC – reg.

CFC (Revenue) TANGEDCO instruction in respect of collection of E tax for IEX power purchase – reg

CFC (Revenue) TANGEDCO instruction to all EDC for the collection of “Additional Surcharge” – reg.

APTEL dismissed the appeal petition (AP. No. 177 of 2021) in respect of Additional Surcharge – Highlights of the order –reg.

APTEL set-aside the order of the CERC in determination of forbearance and floor price for REC – reg

CE/ NCES TANGEDCO instruction to share the CDM benefits data by the RE generators – reg

GO Ms. No. 55 dated 20/10/2021 issued by Energy Department for collection e- tax for IEX power purchase – reg

TNERC Generic tariff order for Grid Interactive PV Solar Energy Generating System (GISS) – reg

TNERC order on “Must run Status” and the Government of India (Ministry of power) “Must Run Status “Regulation 2021- reg.