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The Southern India Mills’ Association

Committed to Foster the Growth of the Textile Industry

Firms urged to open cotton processing plants

Zanu-PF House of Assembly candidate for Zaka Central constituency Cde Davison Svuure has implored private firms to set up a ginnery in the district that is now one of the major cotton producers in Masvingo province.
Cde Svuure said the ginnery will also create employment for hundreds of youths in the district while also stimulating economic growth.
Addressing thousands of Zanu-PF supporters during a campaign rally here recently, Cde Svuure said Zaka has potential to be a cotton producing hub owing to rising output of the crop.
He said it was ideal for cotton processing companies to set up shop close to the source of raw materials with Zaka now a major player in the cotton industry in southern Masvingo.
“Under the new dispensation, which is spearheaded by President Mnangagwa, we do not expect to have a situation where cotton farmers travel long distances to sell their product and again we do not want our farmers to remain underdeveloped while they are producing the white gold.
“We are going to engage cotton companies like Cottco and others to come and establish processing plants in our region so that we create employment. Zaka cotton farmers should benefit from their crop and not just enrich others,” he said.
Cde Svuure said youths would get jobs if cotton processing plants were opened in the district.
“We do not want to see a situation where our youths rely on politicians to buy beer and drinks for them. They should be able to sustain themselves.”
He urged Zaka farmers to rally behind President Mnangagwa whom he said has a vision of creating a prosperous Zimbabwe.
“Let us all vote for President Mnangagwa on July 30. His vision of seeing an economically transformed Zimbabwe is unquestionable and one does not need spectacles to see that.
“The Presidential Inputs Support Scheme together with the Command Agriculture programme shows that President Mnangagwa is committed to deliver a prosperous nation where citizens are freed from the shackles of poverty,” said Cde Svuure
